Dilworth Neighborhood Market Report
The Dilworth neighborhood in Charlotte, NC has been seeing a slow recovery in the local real estate market. The number of homes sold in the Dilworth neighborhood has slowly been on the rise for the last year and though it is still a buyers market, sellers are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. The recovery in the real estate market met with the slow increase in jobs being created in Charlotte is helping to speed up our economy and put Charlotte on the fast track for future growth. If you’re looking to move to Charlotte and want to be in the best area in Charlotte, look no further than our very own Dilworth neighborhood!

If you would like more information on Dilworth neighborhood market reports Click Here or you can always Follow us on Facebook.If you’re interested in checking out any homes for sale in the Dilworth neighborhoodorsellingyourDilworth home, feel free to email me, Sarah Martin, Dilworth neighborhood real estate agent. There are some greathomestobuyandsellinDilworth!DilworthCharlotte@gmail.com