Charlotte Homes Rank #1 in Real Estate Market
Dilworth is one Charlotte neighborhood that helps makeCharlotte, NC#1ona list of top 5 cities for increasing home values.

In a recent report published by the National Association of Realtors, Charlotte was ranked #1 in increasing home values for the first quarter of 2011. The median home price in Charlotte rose 12% to an average of $195,000, which is the highest increase in the nation. Go Charlotte!!! The average home price in Dilworth is about $600,000. Go Dilworth!!!
The NAR ranked the top five cities for home values in order as:
Charlotte, NC
Buffalo, NY
Burlington, VT
Jackson, MS
Florence, SC

Charlotte’s established neighborhoods saw little change during the recession as compared to the rest of the country. Neighborhoods like Dilworth, Myers Park, and Midwood along with other established neighborhoods provided a strong base for home values and prevented the Charlotte market from seeing the sharp decline that swept the nation.
Dilworth Home Sales On The Rise

Dilworth residents take great care in maintaining beautiful homes and a great community which helped it overcome the recession and is poised to be the most sought after neighborhood in Charlotte.

Through continued job growth Charlotte is set to be one of the fastest growing cities in America. As Charlotte grows, established neighborhoods like Dilworth will continue to see huge gains in home values. If you’re interested in checking out any homes for sale in the Dilworth neighborhood or selling your Dilworth home, feel free to email me. There are some great homes to buy and sell in Dilworth!